Sunday, August 21, 2016

Conference symposium on : "Technology enhanced learning: answering needs for future generation" on 23 October 2016

Conference symposium on "Technology enhanced learning: answering needs for future generation"

This symposium will review how Technology enhanced learning (TeL) can assist teachers to meet the educational and training needs of our current and future generations of students. Both the presentation material, and additional material for pre-reading and further review will be posted on a blog customised to support this symposium, on the following weblink 

Additional material for review is available on the website supporting the pre-conference workshop on "Technology enhanced learning" on the following weblink 

Goh, P.S. Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, and some important considerations. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:16. Epub 2016 Oct 12.



"Our challenge is to deepen our understanding of, and skill in using technology to support teaching and learning; to progressively and systematically increase our experience and evidence base of good practices; and learn how to best blend the use of technology, with traditional teaching and training methods to take advantage of the best features of both older and newer methods."

above from
Goh PS. eLearning or technology enhanced learning in medical education - Hope, not hype. Med Teach. 2016 Mar 16:1-2. [Epub ahead of print]

Goh, P.S. A series of reflections on eLearning, traditional and blended learning. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:19. Epub 2016 Oct 14.

Goh, P.S. The value and impact of eLearning or Technology enhanced learning from one perspective of a Digital Scholar. MedEdPublish. 2016 Oct; 5(3), Paper No:31. Epub 2016 Oct 18.

(from SHIFT's eLearning blog)

(from SHIFT's eLearning blog)

see also reading and reference material on the following blogs, the first to support a pre-conference workshop at AMEE 2016 on "Blended eLearning" post workshop activity

the second to support a conference symposium on eLearning at AMEE 2016 on topic "Big learning from small screens"

and final day AMEE 2016 Pecha Kucha session on topic "Technology enhanced learning in Medical Education: What’s new, what’s useful, & some important considerations"

Further reading:

Hwang, G., Lai, C. & Wang, S. J. Comput. Educ. (2015) 2: 449. doi:10.1007/s40692-015-0043-0

(MedEdPublish, 2016)

(Hybrid Pedagogy is an open access, peer reviewed journal which combines critical pedagogy and digital pedagogy)

Poh-Sun Goh
MBBS(Melb), FRCR(UK), FAMS(Singapore), MHPE(Maastricht)
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National University Hospital, and National University of Singapore

Short Biography:
Dr Goh is a clinical radiologist and educational scholar. He has an intense passion for eLearning or Technology enhanced learning (TeL); and has systematically developed this interest since 2002, through work as a critical practitioner (through the continuum of undergraduate and postgraduate to lifelong education and training settings), and educational scholar. He has presented papers and symposia on eLearning at both APMEC and AMEE since 2003 and 2004; published articles and reflection pieces; developed and presented workshops, and been an invited speaker on eLearning / TeL at local and international medical education conferences.

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